
Sat. 08/07/2010 - Brooklyn Flea with Friends

This was my last trip to Brooklyn Flea before I leave. Today I had 4 nice companies with me, Katrina, Kendall, her friend and her dog. Again, the flea was better than ever. But I was busy with my friends, and was lazy with pictures...plus, it's time for me to stop adding anything to my luggages.

I had this pretzel as a quick bite there, this is always so yummy. The portion is perfect and it's so tender and warm. Brooklyn Flea has the best food by far! Tasting all the food is absolutely one of the greatest reason to visit there.
I finally started my camera collection. I am not so an expert on cameras, but I liked this little plastic Kodak camera. And I hope one day, my Olympus PEN which has quite cool vintage look and even my little Samsung can be part of my collection.
Kendall left early, and Katrina and I did some more shopping at the flea. After, we went to our last brunch -Hopefully it was not our last last brunch, but I think it was our last one before I leave. I am so sad-. Since she lives around there, she always brings me a good one. We have simple but comforting food, and the conversation was very inspirational and informative to me as usual with her.
Katrina gave me this book as my farewell gift. She's been collecting these tiny Japanese books about interesting homes and places in Europe. They are quite pricy, so I haven't been really dare to collect them. But she totally contributed one for me as a start. How thoughtful she was. And she particularly picked one about stores in Paris, since I will be in retail business myself. Now, I am sitting at home thinking about all my friends here, and I feel so lucky to get to know them all. We all met from work. If the jobs I had left me all withered at the end, but they gave me these greatest people.

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