
Fri. 07/30/2010 - My All Time "Made In USA" Favorites, From Whole Food

I started to take these simple snapshots to show some of products to my partner in Korea, then I ended up making list of my favorite products made in USA. I went to my neighborhood Whole Food today to grab some of these that I will bring to Korea. Whole Food is not the only place I can get these products, but it's definitely the one place I can get all of them at once. Also, Whole Food was the place I originally found all of these.

It's always these miscellaneous things that I know I will miss so much, and I will not find any substitutes in other country. It's like I always bring body scrubbing towel and mesh dish wash cloth from Korea to here.

I've tried only the Humphrey Cleansing Gel and J.R.Ligett's Shampoo by now. So far I like both. Especially I was doubting about bar shampoo, but if it works with New Jersey water and my Korean thick hair, it means it works. 
Scuba toothbrush and Natural Dentist toothpaste were the one that one of Whole Food employee recommended. He said these two are the only ones he's been using for years, like I've been using only Preserve and Marvis for several years. 
I will soon try the Thayers toner and Badger Sleep Balm. Especially I am hoping that sleep balm really works.

So, one day I about 4 years ago, I found Preserve toothbrush at Whole Food. First of all, I liked the fact is very cheap besides it's all made with recycled materials, and also liked the simple design and colors. After that, this was the only toothbrush I ever use and the best one I ever used. This time, I will try this cool looking Swissco as well.

More Swissco in checkered pattern, and classical horn and tortoise.

Yes, I am even bringing rubber gloves. (Actually this one is latex) Casabella is another best in its kind. Very strong, and will last forever. Also, very comfortable and soft inside. 

Bon Ami powder cleanser, I can't clean my bathroom or stainless steel without this. It works magically for taking off water stains on tiles and stainless steels. And no harmful ingredient. Plus, extremely cheap, just 99 cents.

Dr. Bronner All Purpose Liquid Soap is another product that I've been using for years as a shower gel. It is supposed to be used for hair or even for pet as well, but that didn't really worked for me. But it works as a leather cleaning!

Normally natural products has less cleansing power than one with harsh ingredients. But not Mrs. Meyer's. They work so well, and smells wonderful. I wish I can also bring window cleanser and ironing spray, but I think that's going to be too much...Luckily, they were on special prices at Whole Food, so I could get them with better prices than usual.

This is only a sample I have. I found this brand called "Australian Scent" at Brooklyn Flea where the founder of the line has a lot. I went there so many times, but it was very last time I finally tried his booth. He gave me this sample of his moisturizer, Balm of Gilead that I've been using it for 2 weeks. It is the best of best moisturize I ever used. I was using my Mom's magical cream -which is actually great, but this one beat my Mom's secret one. It's all 100% pure natural oils and ingredient. It's so concentrated, I just need a tiny tiny portion, and that's why even after 2 weeks, I still have more than 80% of sample left. It also smells heaven, and can be used as body lotion as well -which I can't afford to do that-. I think I can go on and on about how great this is...


Thurs. 07/29/2010 - Cure Thrift Shop

I had some errands to take care of today around East Village and China Town. In the middle of it, I found this thrifty store called "Cure Thrift Shop". It was found by Liz Wolff who was diagnosed with diabetes and organized the store to support Diabetes Research Institute.

It has nice clean 2nd second/vintage clothing, accessories and furniture. It's really worth of visiting even to meet such adorable, kind and helpful staff.

[Cure Thrift Shop]


Wed. 07/28/2010 - Aee & Oee

It's seems almost thoughtless that I do blogging at this point, when my cats and I are facing miserable situation right now. But at the same time, there is time when I can't do anything about a situation, but just pray God and wait until he helps me to go through the situation. I had sleepless night yesterday night in tear, and spent the whole day today (it's actually Wed. today when I did post about yesterday's trip) in guilty, horrified, feared, and "don't know what to do" mood, and really now, I just have to wait and see for a couple of days in what way the effort I made will turn into.

I am not going to put the picture of my cats here...it just breaks my heart even to see their picture right now.
I will just pray for them.

And for even an hour so, to take my mind a little away, I did a post about what I did yesterday until all the unexpected drama happened and I was still in eager mind to see NY, not worrying about my cat's future.
I feel extremely guilty about this as well now, but like I said, at this point, just worrying about and doing nothing by preoccupied mind will not solve the problem...

Tues. 07/28/2010 - Be A Tourist

I took the M4 Bus again and got off from Columbus Circle. I had this sort of pressure and obligation at that point that I have to see as much as New York, record as many as scenes, and do as much as I can do here. I just have about 3 weeks or less...and spend the whole week just packing (even though I may had to adjust my plan a little bit now...). I am also very busy these days, because I am partially working now, and there are many things I have to in NY for that new work. All these made my mind, head, body extremely busy, so I took the advantage of today -I came out so early, and finish River Side Park before 11am- and decided to see a couple of areas; from Columbus Circle & the new mall there, 5th Avenue (which was my long time home work meaning I am not that interested, but have to at least take some pictures), and Times Square where I can drop by on my way to bus terminal. Honestly, all these areas were the areas I tried my best to avoid (including 34th street) when I was still a local. But it's also New York, and the most popular spots to tourists, and I am a tourist right now taking picture of anywhere and anything, so I decided to be a true true tourist.

[Columbus Circle]
When I was working Tennis Magazine right after school, the shopping mall was not there. But now, there is a big shopping mall with tons of retail stores and Whole Food on the basement floor. I had simple lunch at Whole Food and shop a couple of organic, and cheap skin cares.

Columbus Circle Shopping Center

[5th Avenue]

[Time Square]
It was just so full of people.

And finally, The New York Times building in front of Port Authority Bus Terminal.